A blog at last, after eight years of daily posting

At times Nikke’s Index has had a sub-title This is nog a blog. The main reson being that I blogged long before most people ever heard the term. And when everybody started doing it, it felt strange to conform to mainstream. No more though.

This weekend I decided to abandon my very own CMS KitSiPub, at least on Nikke’s Index, and start using WordPress instead. And while I’m at it, I might as well do it right. So here’s the link to my Technorati Profile, and I’ll soon add just about every kind of Digg button, del.icio.us link, and Stumble! button I can find.

My main problem is that I haven’t yet found a good way to separate posts in Swedish and English in the blog. A worst case scenario would be to install two seperate instances of WordPress, one with a theme in Swedish and one with the same theme but without any localisation. But first I need to explore the posibilities of using my own user defined fields for this.

Now, I’m not completely new at using WordPress. I have used it for numerous customers by now, and it has worked as a charm in most cases. Even when I stripped out all the bloggy stuff and just used it as a plain old CMS. So I do think I will have a chance of working something out.

The trick is to do as much as possible in the theme, and never, ever touch the codex. But it is tempting at times.

Another problem I’m facing is what to do with almost 1000 posts that are still active and reachable from the main page of Nikke’s Index. Should I move them into WordPress, or just let them rest in KitSiPub? This far, I’ve moved about 85 old posts, and avoided to make any decisions about most of the posts in English. Almost all of the iScam archives are still in the old place, and all of the anti-Bush stuff. Desicions, desicions…

But there’s really no hurry. On the web, you always have time on your side.