Copyleft – all wrongs reversed

Activism by making a t-shirt! After a few days off my daily t-shirt project, my sister-in-law sent me a request for a copyleft t-shirt. And here it is! It’s available in lots of models, and I even threw in some mugs, a trucker hat and a mousepad.

You find them all via

The consept of the copyleft is of course much more serious than this, but in essence. I just can’t see how copyright can survive.

A great definition and further discussions around the consept of Copyleft is found at

Make your own

The markups for the items in the Copylefted t-shirt shop are between 1 and 2 US$. If your time isn’t more valuable than that. You are of corse, in the spirit of copyleftism, welcome to copy my design, and set up your very own t-shirt store set up your very own t-shirt store.

Click here to download the design!

Click here to set up your own t-shirt store!