David Adams wants to relate

If you aren’t a scammer, and want to hook up with people for a legitimate business proposition, I have a few pointers to give you.

  1. Use a legitimate e-mail address
  2. Address people directly, and now via an undisclosed email recipiants list
  3. Present yourself and your project and offer to call or hook up IRL for more information
  4. Use correct language, and format your mail as good as possible.
  5. Don’t use scraped email addresses (harvested from the web)

David Adams has done the oposite in this mail that just landed in my inbox:

from    dansukin@libero.it <dansukin@libero.it>

reply-to    ”dansukin@libero.it” <dansukin@libero.it>

to    undisclosed-recipients

date    Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 7:21 PM

subject    relate

I need to relate with you some urgent business matters concerning transfer of


On receipt of your response in affirmation of your willingness to work with

me I will send to you

full details and more information about myself and the said funds for your

better understanding.

I will prefer we communicate for now via email

Yours sincerely,

David Adams

David Adams’ mail goes straight to the junk folder. He is pitching for a scam.