Saturday, November 1st 2008

I’ve been moving my daily photo project from it’s old domain, into where it really belongs. Now all I can hope for is that all my symbolic links will come with it, including RSS feeds and other niceties. will give way for a new kind of URL director in the spirit of Shorl, Mini, Furl and such. It’s really part three in a longer project where and are parts one and two. is a nice URL shortener that redirects using the server code 301 and, as you can maybe guess is a more visious url director that redirects with the server code 302, that Google follows, but interprets as if PageRank shouldn’t be transferred. is going to be the really dark sheep in the family. It will be redirecting using http refesh – a method that no search engines follow, in case you want to kill all searchability with your link – useful for affiliate programs and such – but also for instances where you don’t trust the rel=”nofollow” tag. is the third member of the family, and it will return a really vicious error message in case you haven’t got the right password.

Hopefully we will also be able to do something fun with…