Spambots looking for mail forms

01/21 2004 – I checked the 404 report on one of my not so used domains today, and was quite suprised to see the amount of visits from bots looking for various formmail scripts.

Just look at this:

201: /robots.txt

8: /

2: /cgi-bin/formmail.cgi

2: /cgi-bin/

2: /favicon.ico

1: /cgi-local/formmail.cgi

1: /b2rss2.php

1: /cgi-bin/

1: /cgi-bin/

1: /rss.xml

1: /index.xml

1: /rss

1: /Palmer.htm

1: /cgi-local/

1: /backend.php

1: /cgi-bin/FormMail.cgi

1: /index.rdf

1: /DisputeResESerADRNotAppropriate/albanydan.suckahs/cyberforum.htm

1: /cgi-bin/

1: /cgi-sys/formmail.cgi

1: /cgi-bin/

1: /cgi-bin/

1: /cgi-bin/FORMMAIL.PL

1: /teennaughty/index.htm

1: /default.rss

1: /solids/index.htm

1: /rss.php

1: /cgi-sys/

1: /cgi-sys/

Sure. Somebody is also looking for sparely clad youngsters, and there are some rss feeders looking for xml files. But the rest are all bots looking for formmail scripts to abuse. I’m quite happy I haven’t used them.

If you are, on your site, you mite reconsider…