Sunday, September 21st 2008

Evening light in Klackberg, where I have fled to find some concentration. Today I have concentrated on mowing the lawn, which wasn’t my plan at all – but it had to get done and nobody else will do it if I don’t.

I should be working on other things, but right now I can’t help but pursue an idea about publishing music & lyrics for new and old songs that I like. So I spawned a new WP installation under the domain and got to it. I’ll need a seperate WP theme for this I think, which is a pity since I really like Mandigo, but I’ll start out with adding a lot of songs. Out of shere luch I found that Demi Lovato‘s new album has been leaked and that someone (most probably someone who thought she needed some PR) published most every song from it on YouTube. That’s a good starting point if any.