Tuesday, June 9th 2009

These are crazy days and I’m really, really happy about all the link love I’m receiving to my Swedish blog.

Dan has written about my legal situation, Joakim still want’s to be sued too, Backend Media relays the story, Jonk is upset about companies that sue their critics, Marcus Westberg is still supportive, I’m very happy that my friend Brit Stakston writes on JMW’s company blog. Gunnar @ Nätkoll says Bring it on Jajja. Distruptive.nu asks SEMPO about the Google Guideline rule.

And therse are only yet some blog posts posted in rage about Jajja’s methods to quiet the critique.

However, it’s really sad that some early, really good blog posts are been taken away. Even if they can’t scare me, they seem to be able to qiet other critics with their legal threats against me…