Spam Poison – fighting e-mail harvesters

05/07 2004 – Spam Poison is a site set up for one purpose only: To atract the spambots used by spammers for harvesting any trace of e-mail addresses found on blogs and websites.

The idea is by no way new, we have linked to pages with randomly created e-mail addresses, but Spam Poison uses a new angle to the idea of sending the spambots into an infinite loop. They are only displaying (fake) e-mail addresses from domains recently used by spammers!

There is of course some unwanted side effects to their method:

Joe jobed domains (innocent domains used by spammers) might end up in their list. This could be disastrous for the domain owners. This happened to the domain once, but in that case it was a spammer who turned sour on some of the articles on the site, and used the most effective method he new to strike back.

Increased traffic. Network admins don’t like these methods. They are facing massive bandwidth usage from spammers as it is, and they don’t really like the extra traffic sites like this will generate.

But still. All ways of disturbing the spammers are welcome. So here’s another link for those bots to follow: