Pong - The text based game


A text based version of a classical TV game

Pong was one of the very first TV games. A true classic. First in black and white, evolving to black and green, or in some versions black and with tangerine colored court, ball and paddles. Since then we have seen 2D and 3D computer based versions, Pong the Movie, and a few years ago, the first text based version. But since that version still won't keep score we thought it was time for a multilingual version with scoreboard and all.

The Rules

are simple. You serve with the right paddle. The opponent, the Left Pddle returnes the ball (if he can). You then decide weather to move your paddle up or down or not to move it at all. The first to score 10 points win the game. Good luck!

Serve the ball!

Note! Cookies must be activated in your browser if you don't want to keep score with a pen and paper.

Serve the ball!
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Text-Pong is an online game without Flash effects. Made as entertainment for those who are easily entertained.
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